CoronaVirus Lockdown

Growing Old – Lock Down Day 2

Well we woke up to a beautiful day of hazy sunshine and the birds still singing their song, although its Monday if feels like a Sunday morning. Living in an apartment there was not the distant sound of an elevator carrying people down to work or children to school, surprisingly too is the lack of children outside in the park below. I had wrongly assumed they would be taken out for a walk or exercise but have just discovered that people on the streets for dog walking etc. are not allowed to be accompanied so they cannot take their children out with them. Neighbours are reporting that their main worries are teenagers, many slipping out to venue with their girl or boyfriends against regulations of no socialising, it may take more than a lock down to stop Young Love!

Many have still gone to work, if they work in essential services Health and Emergency services, Police, Petrol Stations, Deliveries, Supermarkets, Food suppliers, Telecommunications, Take away restaurants etc. but all must still carry out regulations to avoid contact with each other maintaining 2 metre distance. This has brought out so much humour around the situation we are in and spirits seem high, they say that laughter is the best medicine and I have witnessed so much of it during the last days. This humour seems to have carried over into subjects which normally cause frustrations and anger, it may be seen as sarcasm but the humour spreading is a way of displacing the anger and frustrations and maybe, just maybe the message will hit home to those who need to hear it, for example “we are keeping a 2 metre distance to our family and friends but I see cars are immune to the virus with a 2 cm distance behind me on my way to work!” My hope is this humour and high spirits prevail as the opposite emotions and low spirits are statistically known to put people at risk of infections and diseases.

For myself the day didn’t go quite as planned, my son for the first time EVER took out the rubbish to the bins leaving me without a reason to go for a small walk if questioned and a JCB turned up to dig an area with a water leak. So my peaceful morning meditating and enjoying time on the balcony soaking up some sunshine and fresh air was cancelled and meditation brought inside. My head is clearing though without the daily clutter of chatter and to confirm my thoughts, Africa was seen clearly in the distance through the haze which only occurs occasionally, we know it is there but can only be seen occasionally.

Stay safe and take precautions to protect yourself and loved ones, I hope you find the spirit lifting humour that we are experiencing too, its such a powerful medicine.💜

Africa with Gibraltar to the right front

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